DEVLOG 5 - Lighting and Shadergraph

DEVLOG 5 - Lighting and Shadergraphs

The focus of this week was learning lighting and shaders. 

Shaders are graphs which affect the main visual components of a material ie base colour, emission, alpha etc using maths. Using this you can get some pretty spicy results much like the glow effect which I copied from the attached Brackeys clip. 

Glow Shadergraph

(Apologies for the truly potato quality this was the only file size I could make work with itch).  For my main scene, I chose to add a simple dissolve effect. This mainly involved feeding a noise node into the alpha channel which alters the transparency of the object dependent on the darkness of the input. By then making the alpha cutoff a sine function of time the object would slowly "dissolve" in and out following the noise pattern.

Dissolve Shadergraph
Dissolve (in game)

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