DEVLOG 3 - ProBuilder

The ProBuilder and unity terrain tool package are powerful tools which streamline the process of developing terrain and environments. These tools are able to create complex geometry and mimic natural landscapes accurately. For this task, we were required to develop an environment that would later be applicable with a nav mesh, hence maze like traversable environments were desirable. I didn't want to ruin the vibe of my serene cradle model with a maze, so instead I made a separate big bold ugly PVP arena style environment.
I achieved this by using the poly tool to make random shapes, which were then extruded for volume.
I then added stairs and other basic geometry to give it more of a sense of scale and for all of the terrain to be traversable.

I also used the poly tool to mimic the natural geometry of Dove Lake better. Previously I had used a perfect cylinder which looked much more artificial.
WEEK 3 TUT | 3D models in Unity
This weeks tutorial involved integrating the character animations made previously into a controllable character in unity. The character could travel using w,a,s,d and would play a walk animation whilst moving. A trigger was also made which in this case was used to deactivate a door when an area was entered. This was generic trigger script which could be utilised in future for a number of different functions.
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