Gameplay - This game is a two-player army builder/chess style strategy game.

Controls -  Click on stuff.  Can press space to complete turn.

Game Objective – Land three successful strikes on the enemy king

Build Phase – In this phase, each player builds their army from the unique units that are available. Find information on a unit by pressing on it.

Battle Phase – Players take turns in a chess style strategy showdown. Each turn a player must move a piece. A player may also use one ability every turn.

Abilities – Players may use one ability every turn if they choose to and are able. Unit abilities can be used unlimited times. Some abilities are always active and don’t need to be triggered. ie Scholar, Lover, Shield

Good Luck have fun :) 


- UI Art

- Character Art (Unit art)

- Background Music

- Help Screen (Info Panel)

- Restart Game Screen

- Multiple Scenes

Known Bug (17.10.22)

Whilst playing I found a bug which breaks the game. If player uses the alchemist ability on a unit other than a soldier the game will break. This is an easy fix, I'll released fix version once assignment has been marked. :D



Fontleroy Brown -

Victorian Parlor -

Optimus Princeps -

Louis George Cafe -

Sound Effects

Development log

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